The first one 'A Bunch of Aussies' I posted about here but I realised I took the photos before I pulled through all the threads (so glad to be finished I think!) so this photo is a little better. Its been mailed to Canada and I'm waiting to hear its arrived.
Then I finished a small project for my mother-in-law Betty. I'm really happy with the way this turned out and I hope she likes it too!
What quilt would be complete without a label?
My other big finish is my Craftsy BOM - Yay! I managed to get stuck into the quilting and got it all done in record time (for me)! Ta da - Sampler for Serena!
Sorry the photo is a bit fuzzy. It was quite windy and nearly impossible to get a still shot!
I tried a new (again for me) all machine stitched binding and I have to say I will definitely be doing that again. So much faster than the traditional method. Here are some close ups of some of the blocks to show (off) the quilting!
And, of course, the label. You can see the fancy stitch I used to finish the binding.
Thanks for reading my blog,

Your Other Mother wall hanging is beautiful!! I'm pleased that it evoked a few tears - in a good way xx