I am wanting to make a black, white, yellow and perhaps grey quilt for my nephew and his fiance and so have been pulling together some fabrics when I see ones I like. After this parcel arrived on Friday I decided I would have a look at all the fabric I have purchased since we moved as I haven't washed any of it yet and I think I'm fooling myself if I think I'm showing restraint!
These first ones were a random few fabrics I picked up at Wrapped in Fabrics closing sale just because something about each one called my name. The one on the left is hard to see but is a gold print. I already have a fat quarter of the second one but in a chocolate brown and the last two just appeal to me.
This one also came from Wrapped in Fabric. Unfortunately it was all they had left and so is only 25cm I think but it was so cute I had to have it!
My next online shopping spree was at Craft Depot. The three fabrics on the left I thought were interesting and the one on the right I thought might work in the quilt for my nephew. I'm not so sure about that now that I've seen it but I love it all the same.
These were also from Craft Depot and will work well in the quilt I think.
Then came my equilter.com purchases. Another nice group of fabrics. I thought the geometrics would appeal to Ashley as he is an engineer and the fleur-de-lis is reminiscent of the Scouts symbol and Ashley was a Scout. What luck it happened to be in black and gold!
The black on the left in the photo above looks like a plain solid black but actually has the loveliest pattern which was hard to photograph so I zoomed right in and used the flash to make it show up. Doesn't do the fabric justice but at least you can see the pattern now. Beginning to wish I had bought a lot more of it now.
Lastly I bought two yards of this one because I just love it. Its apparently a Christmas fabric but doesn't look it. Not sure what I'll do with it but I'm sure I'll find it the right project.
So that's it for my buying this year unless I need something specific. I want to go to the Australian Machine Quilting Festival later this year so am saving my pennies to do all the classes I want to do.
Thanks for visiting,
Gotta love fabric sales. I kept a fabric in/out diary last year, it really opened my eyes to how much i was actually buying/using. Not that it stopped me buying more lol. Im sure all these fabrics will make beautiful quilts