Broken Herringbone Quilt - finish blocks and put top togetherDone!- Quilt 'And Sew On' Wallhanging made last year. (don't have a sewing room yet so it got pushed to the side to make way for finishing my Mariner's Compass quilt (No.2 project)!
Mariner's Compass Quilt for my brother Kym (I have ruler set I bought several years ago I want to test out!)Done!- Complete and quilt QBSA swap star quilt. Have yet to resolve the corners on this one so in limbo for now!
- Make more blocks using crumb scraps I did four more of these on my retreat in March, now I have 8.
Use my rainbow swap charms to make a quilt. Top is done and partly quilted so pretty well done!Complete Cot Quilt for my niece - this is my January challenge project and is underway!- Make more Star Value scrappy blocks I have cut out all the pieces ready to stitch together, still working on these!
Quilt Star Surround Lap QuiltDone - ready and gifted to new great niece in December!Make a Shadow Trapunto project from book by Geta GramaDone - cushion made!Use pinwheel blocks made at sewing getaway into a project - maybe placemats? DoneChristmas swap charms - use in a project - perhaps a table runner and/or pot holders?Done- Castle Ceiling Quilt - continue handpiecing. Well on the way, 9 rows together (diagonal rows).
- Make handbags from patterns won last year.
- Project using mixed charms from swaps and scraps using pattern from book I have
- Make quilt top using Peter Rabbit fabric pieces - long term, don't need it but was given the fabric.
Continue with QBSA block swap- have now decided to leave the swap as I was losing interest and would rather let someone else take my place- I Spy project using swap blocks - very long term as I don't need this yet.
- Finish watching all my Craftsy workshops I've signed up for, particularly the Leah Day ones.
- Try quilting feathers this year!
So, onto 2015. I pulled out everything I have either started, or want to start or have on the 'one day' plan and made a list. Not entirely sure that was a good idea as I have 26 items on the list! That was after combining a couple too. For the sake of keeping myself on track here they are. The first 12 will be my UFO projects for 2015 and the others will take their chances!
- Finish quilting of Rainbow Charm Quilt; and write pattern/tutorial for Rainbow Charm Quilt2. Practice quilting feathers3. Christmas Presents for 2015:· Cube Bag· Placemats· Cushion using practice folded compass block4. QBSA Star Quilt – needs corners finishing and quilting5. Star Value scrap quilt – make more blocks6. Make more rainbow string blocks/quilt and make more Crumb Blocks7. Make donation quilts for Mary Potter Hospice – perhaps using layer cakes, scraps, orphan blocks8. Make thread catcher bag for sewing machine using laminated fabric.9. Make laptop bag10. Make one or two cushions to match Kym’s Mariner’s Compass quilt for his birthday or Christmas.11. Celestial Star – finish blocks12. Make/design cushion using offcuts from Rainbow Charm QuiltOther Projects I’d Like to Make13. Ironing travel bag/ironing pad (on sewing weekend – with Kerry).14. Quilt the Rainbow Broken Herringbone quilt top.15. Use orphan blocks/bits and pieces in pizza box and make into quilts/cushions16. Leah Day designs – snip and save thumbnails and print for inspirations when quilting.17. Try making a ‘One Fabric Quilt’18. Make quilt using orange and blue panel and fabric, perhaps to donate19. Use layer cakes (4)20. Handbag from Patterns Won21. Finish watching Craftsy Workshops22. Quilt Sewing Themed Wallhanging23. Finish Castle Ceiling quilt top24. Make spool wallhanging won in 201425. Peter Rabbit Quilt (not urgent – one day project)26. I Spy Quilt (not urgent – one day project)
Best wishes for the new year to you all and thank you for reading my blog this year.

Wow that's a big list, but an organised one so it sounds like you're going to have a productive year. You certainly made some amazing quilts in 2014.
ReplyDeleteAn amazing list Sue! That is fantastic! You are inspirational. Made me realise I need to keep a list and pull out the UFO's for 2015! Can't wait!