Hi, remember me? I've been missing in action for what seems to me like a lifetime but in reality is more like months! In that time we decided to sell our house which was doing a great job of cracking up. After weeks and weeks of going through every room and thinning out 29 years of accumulated possessions we were just about to sign with an agent when our neighbour over the road approached us about buying our house. He has previously demolished, subdivided, built two homes and sold one on the block across the road and was keen to buy ours to do the same again in the future, although this time he and his brother are going to do it together. We came to a very favourable agreement and like magic our house was sold - and no open inspections or agent fees! Like winning the lottery.
Then comes the fun bit, finding the right house. After missing out on one wonderful house with a separate 'she cave', we found the perfect house for us. After holding our breath all weekend after putting in our offer we found out this week that it was ours. (Insert happy dance here!)
Here it is:
The best bit? Finally I will be sewing in the hallway no more! As this house has a lounge room and a huge family room, the lounge room is mine, all mine! So this room will be my sewing room (picture it with a sewing machine and fabric instead of all that unnecessary furniture!):
Then of course I might want to take a break now and again and relax outside on the deck:
(My apologies to Harcourts for stealing their photos but I couldn't wait to share my news).
If it wasn't for all the packing coming up I'd be even more excited! My poor machine hasn't been used in so long it will have seized up but soon its time will come and it will be looking for a rest once my sewing space is set up. I'll be sure to share photos down the track when it is.
Thanks for visiting my blog today!